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Popular destinations GREECE



Churches on Alonissos

Alonissos has relatively fewer churches than other Greek islands because most churches were once built in the ancient capital of Hora and were destroyed by the earthquake of 1965.

Christ Church
Small church in the old capital and one of the few churches to survive the earthquake. The architecture of the church suspects strong Western influences. The church, originally from the 12th century, is home to a number of 17th century icons.

Agios Athanasios
Also survived the earthquake of 1965 and was built at the same time as the Christ Church. The Agios Athanasios is home to a beautiful 18th century icon.

Agios Giorgios
This church is located higher up in the old capital and has been well preserved despite the earthquake. Agios Giorgios has some beautiful 18th century icons and two beautiful 17th-18th century icons.

Agios Dimitrios
This church was completely destroyed during the earthquake. Fortunately, icons were saved and undermined at the church of Agios Athanasios.

Agios Nikolas
This modern church was built on top of the church of Agios Nikolaos, which was too dilapidated to leave it standing. The church was built in 1964 by the people of Alonissos.

Monastery on Kyra Panagia
The Monastery of Kyra Panagia, dedicated to the birth of the Virgin Mary, takes its name from the eponymous desert-like Island of Kyra Panagia, also called Pelagonisi or Pelagos, is located northeast of Alonissos. It is a 16th century post-Byzantine monastery, located on top of a hill overlooking the sea on the east side of Alonissos.

The buildings of the monastery are set around the picturesque church of Panagia. Early Christian remains from the 6th and 7th centuries AD were discovered in the courtyard.

Greek Mythology

The word myth is derived from the word "muthos", which first meant expression and was later often interpreted as "a spoken or written story".

Mythology (muthologia) is thus "telling stories", or a collection of myths, or the study of myths.

When writing originated in Greece, myths and legends were already anchored in oral traditions and later poets in particular gave the stories a different course.

Greek mythology is very similar to other mythologies. For example, the Norse god Odin corresponds to the Greek Zeus and the Norse heroes often performed the same heroic deeds as their Greek colleagues.

Some Greek Gods:

Aeolus (Aiolos)
A son of Hippotes, who was appointed by Zeus as guardian of the winds. He was in charge of the (wind) gods: Boreas, Zephyros, Notos and Euros.

AphroditeAphroditePhoto: George E. Koronaios in the public domain

Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. She was born from the foam of the sea, which is also home to the main shrine dedicated to Aphrodite. She was married to Hephaestus, but preferred Ares for a lover.

Her son was Eros, the god of love. Aphrodite is depicted with the winged Eros and with doves. She was one of the Olympian gods. The Romans called her Venus.

Apollo was the son of Zeus and Leto, and twin brother of Artemis. He is god of light, of medicine, music and science. Apollo is often depicted with a lyre in his hand. The main shrine dedicated to Apollo is located in Delphi, the most important oracle site of ancient Greece. Apollo was an Olympian god.

Ares was a son of Zeus and Hera and is the god of war. He is often depicted in full armor and was an Olympian god. The Romans take him Mars.

Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo and daughter of Zeus and Leto. She was the goddess of nature and the hunt. She was also the tutelary goddess of pregnant women and is often depicted with a bow in her hand. She was an Olympian god and her Roman name is Diana.

Dionysos was a son of Zeus and the god of grapes and wine. He is often depicted with a staff that is wrapped at the top with ivy leaves. He was an Olympian god and his Roman name is Bacchus or Liber.

Eros is the god of needs and is also called Himeros. Eros is often seen as a winged boy god who shoots men in the heart with love arrows. Roman names for him are Amor and Cupid.

Hermes was the messenger of the gods and a son of Zeus. He is also god of travelers, thieves and merchants. He becomesalways depicted with a travelers' cap and staff or a helmet with wings. His sandals also have wings. He escorted the ghosts of the dead into the underworld, Hades.

Pallas AthenaPallas AthenaPhoto: Ingo Neu CC 3.0 Unported no changes made

Pallas Athena
She is the daughter of Zeus only, because born from his forehead. She is the patron goddess of the artists and craftsmen, but also the goddess of wisdom and knowledge. In wartime Athena was also revered as a war goddess. She was the special guardian goddess of the city Athens and a guardian angel of Greek heroes such as Herakles and Odysseus.

She is often depicted wearing helmet and full armor. The owl, which symbolizes wisdom, was devoted to her. Pallas Athena has a sanctuary located in Athens: the Parthenon. She was an Olympic god and her Roman name is Minerva.

Poseidon is a helm of Zeus and is the god of the sea and guardian god of the sailors. His palace is deep under water and he is often depicted with a trident, with which he can stir the sea. The horse was dedicated to him.

Because the Greeks believed that the land floated on the sea, they also regarded him as the god who caused the earthquakes. Its Roman name is Jupiter.

Zeus was the supreme god of the Greeks and the king of gods and men. He was also the god of the sky and the weather. He is often depicted with a lightning in his hand and is seated on a throne. Many demigods and heroes, such as Hercules and Perseus, have arisen from his love affairs with beautiful women.

Greece ZeusZeusPhoto: Public domain


Browne, J. / An insider's guide to Alonnisos

Skiathos, Skopelos and Alonnisos
Thomas Cook


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BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated February 2025
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