The World of Info is a production of a number of independent information specialists working in the library sector. The purpose of this site is to provide information about countries, regions, islands and cities at a high quality, yet readable level.
The World of Info has its roots in that was founded in May 2000 and provides information on more than 500 destinations. This information is regularly updated and new destinations are added.
The World of Info is ideal for travelers who want to prepare for their holiday. On The World of Info you will find information about history, geography, landscape, climate, plants, animals, population, language, religion, politics, administration, society, state structure, economy and links to specialized (online) travel agencies. For pupils and students who are looking for extensive yet compact information about countries, regions, islands and cities, The World of Info is excellent to use.
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The information on this website has been compiled with care. Nevertheless, it is possible that this information is incomplete and / or contains inaccuracies. The World of Info excludes all liability for any direct or indirect damage, of whatever nature, arising from the use of this website. As far as is known, there are no rights to the photos on The World of Info. Should there nevertheless be photos on the site in violation of copyright, please let us know. The photo in question will then be deleted immediately.