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Overview religions in British ColumbiaOverview religions in British ColumbiaPhoto: StatGraphs CC 3.0 Unported no changes made

The population of British Columbia is primarily Christian, with the predominant denominations being the Catholic and Protestant Churches.

Most Jews live in Vancouver, currently Canada's third largest Jewish community.
With the arrival of many cultures over the centuries, so have their beliefs and Buddhist, Sikh and Hindu temples can be found all over the province of British Columbia.

Special Religious Buildings in British Columbia

Christ Church: Anglican church, consecrated in 1861 by George Hills (1816-1895), the first bishop of the British Columbia diocese. The oldest church in mainland British Columbia and also the oldest church in the province on the original foundations.

International Buddhist Temple (also called Guan-Yin Temple): authentic Chinese temple, completed in 1983 and officially consecrated in 1986, where Mahayana Buddhism can be studied and practiced. Symmetrically built in an imperial style with the imperial color yellow and Chinese dragon figures on the roof and on beams and pillars.

Christ Church Cathedral: the oldest(neo-Gothic) church in Vancouver, the first mass was held in 1889. Stained glass windows are by Edward Burne-Jones (1833-1898), an English designer and artist who was very closely associated with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Burne-Jones belonged to the second wave of the movement, which manifested itself after 1860 and is also called the "aesthetic movement.

Christ Church Cathedral: Anglican Church of Canada cathedral of the British Columbia diocese. Cathedral built in 13th century Gothic style, inspired by Durham Cathedral in Durham, North East England. Designed by Victorian architect J.C.M. Keith. foundation stone was laid in 1926, but it would be several decades before the cathedral would be completed. As late as 1983, two bells were hung in the tower, in the presence of Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip.

St. John the Divine: oldest church in British Columbia, still from the pioneer days (1863).

St. John the Divine, British Columbia's Oldest Church from 1863St. John the Divine, British Columbia's Oldest Church from 1863Photo: Darren Kirby CC 3.0 Unported no changes made


BBC - Country Profiles

British Columbia and the Rockies
Michelin Apa Publications


Lonely Planet

CIA - World Factbook

Elmar Landeninformatie

Jepson, Tim / Vancouver en de Canadese Rockies
Wat & Hoe

Leigh Fleming, Janet / British Columbia : a walking guide

Ohlhoff, Kurt Jochen / Canada west & Alaska

Phenix, Penny / Canada
Wat & Hoe

The rough guide to Canada
Rough Guides

Struijk, Aad / West-Canada

Veldt, Marc / Canada

Ver Berkmoes, Ryan / British Columbia & the Yukon
Lonely Planet

Wagner, Heike / West-Canada : Alberta, British Columbia


Last updated September 2024
Copyright: Team The World of Info