The World of Info


Cities in TURKEY

Akyarlar Alanya Ankara
Antalya Beldibi Belek
Bodrum Colakli Fethiye
Gumbet Içmeler Istanbul
Kemer Konakli Kumkoy
Kusadasi Lara Marmaris


Sulaymaniyah Mosque Istanbul, TurkeySulaymaniyah Mosque Istanbul, TurkeyPhoto: Harold Litwiller (CC BY 2.0) no changes made

About 96% of the population belongs to Islam. Although there has been an official strict separation between Islam and the state in Turkey since 1923, Islam still has a major influence on social life, especially in rural areas. More than 85% of the Turkish and Kurdish Muslims belong to the Sunni religion. Not much remains of the quite numerous Christian and Jewish communities until the First World War. An estimated 15,000 Greek and 45,000 Armenian Orthodox Christians live in the major cities. There are also small Catholic and Protestant communities and various sects. In the southeast still live about 20,000 Syrian Orthodox (Jacobites) and a few thousand Arab Orthodox. Jacobites who fled to Western Europe became known in the 1970s as 'Christian Turks'. Turkey has a community of approximately 25,000 Sephardic Jews.


Brosnahan, T. / Turkey
Lonely Planet

Graven, R. van den / Reishandboek Turkije

Te gast in Turkije
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Last updated September 2024
Copyright: Team The World of Info