The World of Info

Plants and Animals

Cities in TURKEY

Akyarlar Alanya Ankara
Antalya Beldibi Belek
Bodrum Colakli Fethiye
Gumbet Içmeler Istanbul
Kemer Konakli Kumkoy
Kusadasi Lara Marmaris

Plants and Animals


Tulips TurkeyTulips TurkeyPhoto: Antonio Christofaro CC3.0 Unported no changes made

There is a lot of grassland in the dry heart of the Central Plateau. Steppes can be found on the flanks of extinct volcanoes such as Kara Dag and Erciyas Dagi, whose higher slopes are often forested, as well as on the plateaus of eastern Turkey between the mountains. Lush grass growth occurs in spring and summer on the slopes of the Taurus and Antitaurus. Centuries of logging and grazing have thinned and reduced forests (from 70% to 26% of the surface) and even changed their composition. Due to the constant grazing of goats in the western coastal mountains, the thickets predominate there. Turkey's densest forests are in the north, on the northern slopes of the Pontic Mountains near the Black Sea. The tulip is Turkey's national flower.


Turtle TurkeyTurtle TurkeyPhoto: Vadim Indeikien CC 3.0 Unported no changes made

Brown bear, wolf, wild boar and panther still occur here and there; the tiger has been exterminated, the lion has disappeared a long time ago. For the bird world, Turkey is an important place to pass through in the migration; the Bosporus is known for the large habitat of migratory birds in autumn and spring. Many birds of prey, cormorants, storks and pelicans breed in Turkey; the bald ibis is a dying breeding bird. A well-known reserve is Lake Manyas in western Asian Turkey, an important nesting and wintering place for birds.

The sea water is populated by mackerels, sea bass, dolphins, sardines, tunas, morels, eels and squid. Large sea turtles lay their eggs in the sand along the south coast.

Grey Wolf TurkeyGrey Wolf TurkeyPhoto: Quadell CC 3.0 Unported np changes made

The national animal of Turkey is the grey wolf, the national bird is the thrush.


Brosnahan, T. / Turkey
Lonely Planet

Graven, R. van den / Reishandboek Turkije

Te gast in Turkije
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BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated September 2024
Copyright: Team The World of Info