The World of Info

Vacations and Sightseeing

Basic information
Official languageSpanish
CapitalSanta Cruz de La Palma
Area729 km²
Population84,793  (2019)
Currencyeuro  (EUR)

Popular destinations SPAIN

AndalusiaCataloniaCosta blanca
Costa bravaCosta del solEl hierro
FormenteraFuerteventuraGran canaria
IbizaLa gomeraLa palma

Vacations and Sightseeing

Since 1987, after the completion of the airport, the economy of La Palma has been based not only on agriculture, but also on tourism. The first hotels and flats were built in the 1980s. One of the better-known tourist centres is Los Cancajos, south of Santa Cruz de La Palma. Other places with tourist facilities are Los Llanos de Aridane, Puerto Naos (the largest tourist resort on the west coast), Barlovento, Garáfia and Fuencaliente.

As far as tourism is concerned, the main concern is to preserve the island's individual character and to promote 'island-friendly' and sustainable tourism. The number of holidaymakers, especially Germans, is growing rapidly. Many Dutch people also visit La Palma

Take the time to visit the capital Santa Cruz on the east coast. This picturesque harbour town has some beautiful steep alleys, traditional tapas bars and restaurants and many historical buildings. The old part of town, around the Plaza de España, is the most charming area with elegant Canarian mansions hundreds of years old. The tourist office is located in the 17th century Palacio de Salazar on Calle de O'Daly and is the place to go for information on local excursions, fiestas and cultural events. The San Salvador church, the small chapel of Nuestra Señora de la Luz and the town hall date from the 16th century and are well worth a visit. On the Avenida Maritima you will see some beautiful old houses, brightly painted with lovely wooden balconies.

The Caldera de Taburiente in the heart of the island of La Palma is one of the most fascinating sights in the Canary Islands. This impressive volcanic crater in the mountains is one of the largest erosion craters in the world, with a diameter of about eight kilometres and a depth of more than 1,500 metres. In the extensive network of well-signposted footpaths between the steep rock faces, you will discover valleys, waterfalls and spectacularly shaped pieces of rock amidst pine forests and rich vegetation.


Canarische eilanden
Van Reemst

Evers, K. / Canarische eilanden : Tenerife, La Gomera, El Hierro, La Palma, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote

Klöcker, H. / La Palma

Lipps, S. / Wandelgids La Palma

Murphy, P. / Canarische eilanden

Renouf, N. / Canarische eilanden

Rochford, N. / Wegwijzer voor La Palma en El Hierro : een landschapsgids
Sunflower Books

Schulz, H.H. / La Palma
Van Reemst

Valk, T. / Wandelgids La Palma : 16 wandelroutes

CIA - World Factbook

BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated February 2025
Copyright: Team The World of Info