The World of Info

Climate and Weather

Cities in ALBANIA


Climate and Weather


Car rental in Albania
Sunrise with fog in Albania

Sunrise with fog in Albania Photo: Spyenson CC 3.0 Unported no changes made

Due to the great geographical and topographical differences, the Albanian climate has an unpredictable character.

The coastal plain has a Mediterranean climate with hot summers, mild winters and winter rains. In the mountainous east there is a continental climate with severe, snowy winters and summer rains. The sheltered basins have a milder climate.

The maximum temperature in summer can be as high as 40°C. In winter, the minimum temperature is -5°C. The hottest place in Albania is Saranda, with more than 3000 hours of sunshine a year and only a few weeks of 'winter weather' per year in the months of January and February.

The rainfall is between 750 and 1200 mm/year, but especially on the western slopes of the mountains in the Northern Albanian Alps, up to 2000 mm of precipitation falls per year. Most precipitation, decreasing from north to south, falls in autumn and winter.

Climate table (average figures for the entire country)

min. temp°C225812161717141085
max. temp°C121215182328313127231714
rainy days p/m1313141312754691616



Kagie, R. / Albanië : mensen, politiek, economie, cultuur
Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen : Novib

Pettifer, J. / Albania & Kosovo

Vlucht uit het isolement : Albanië op zoek naar nieuwe wegen
Instituut voor Publiek en Politiek

CIA - World Factbook

BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated September 2024
Copyright: Team The World of Info