The World of Info

Vacations and Sightseeing

Basic information
Official languageDanish
Area42.434 km²
Population5,826,188  (2021)
CurrencyDanish crown  (DKK)

Cities in DENMARK


Vacations and Sightseeing

Below is a selection of interesting tourist destinations in Denmark:


Denmark Coastal strip BornholmDenmark Coastal strip BornholmPhoto: Lily M CC 3.0 Unported no changes made

Nikolaus kirke van Nylarsker; Øster Lars church of Østerlarsker; baptismal font Å church in Åkirkeby; the old city center of Rønne; the Bornholm Rø Art Museum; Ols Church of Olsker; dune landscape near the Dueodde; coastal strip between Sandvig and Neksø; Dryeog Nature Park near Allinge-Sandvig; Middelaldercenter in Gudhjem

Sjælland, Falster and Lolland

Denmark Karmeliterkloster HelsingørDenmark Karmeliterkloster HelsingørPhoto: Leogs CC 3.0 Unported no changes made

Aalholm Automobilmuseum in Nysted; Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Nationalmuseet, Statens Museum for Kunst, Thorvaldsens Museum in Copenhagen; Frliluftsmuseum in Sorgenfri; Viking settlement at Slagelse; old town centers of Falster, Køge and Dragør; Carmelite Monastery in Helsingør; Vor Frue Kirke from Kalundborg; the cathedral of Roskilde; Frederiksberg castle of Frederiksberg; Grundtvigs Kirke from Copenhagen; safari park Knuthenborg near Bandholm; BonBonland amusement park near Holme-Ostrup; Tivoli in Copenhagen; amusement park Bakken in Klampenborg; Albuen peninsula near Lolland; Lake Tystrup-Bavelse near Sorø

Langeland, Ærø and Fyn

 H.C. Andersens Hus in Odense, Denmark H.C. Andersens Hus in Odense, DenmarkPhoto: Bo Jessen in the public domain

Hans Christian Andersen hus in Odense; Zoologisk Museum of Svendborg; Europæisk Automobilmuseum in Odense; prehistoric monuments at Humble on Langeland; town of Faaborg; Horne Kirke van Horne; centers of Bogense and Ærøskøbing; town hall of Odense; Zoologisk Have in Odense; Aquarium Langeland in Skrøbelev; Terrariet in Vissenbjerg (reptiles and amphibians); Fjord-og Bæltcenter (aquarium and marine mammal basin); Hindsholm peninsula near Kerteminde; Fiske- og Familiepark West in Ringkøbing; Frydenlund Fuglepark in Tommerup

North Jutland

Burial mounds of Lindholm Høje, DenmarkBurial mounds of Lindholm Høje, DenmarkPhoto: Mikkel Houmøller CC 4.0 International no changes

Fur Museum in Nederby (fossils); Danmarks Cykel Museum in Aalestrup; Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Marine Museum, Danmarks Tekniske Museum in Aalborg; burial mounds Lindholm Høje near Nørresundby; Viking camp Fyrkat near Hobro; city centers of Aalborg, Skagen and Nibe; Spøttrup Castle in Salling; Søndre Sogns kirke in Viborg; Børglum Kloster in Løkken; Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum in Aalborg; water park Jesperhus Feriecenter on Mors; Aalborg Zoo; Tivoliland Aalborg; Ørnens Verden in Tuen (bird of prey reserve); dune landscape near Skagen; Jydsk Rosenpark in Aalestrup; national park Rebild Bakker near Skørping

East Jutland

Silkeborg art museum, DenmarkSilkeborg art museum, DenmarkPhoto: Nico-dk CC 3.0 Unported no changes made

Silkeborg Museum; Silkeborg Art Museum; Dansk Brandværnsmuseum in Åbyhøj; Glasmuseet in Ebeltoft; Jysk Automobilmuseum in Give; burial mounds and rune stones in Jelling; half-timbered houses center Ebeltoft; Domkirken of Århus; ruin of the Øm monastery at Gammel Rye; Sønderbro kirke in Horsens; Givskud Zoo; Aqua Silkeborg; Randers Regnskov in Randers (tropical rainforest); Danmarks Saltcenter in Magiager; Kattegatcentret in Grenaa (sea aquarium); paddle steamers from Silkeborg and Magiager; botanical gardens in Kolding; sandbank Ørkenen on Anholt

West Jutland

Herning Museum of Modern Art, DenmarkHerning Museum of Modern Art, DenmarkPhoto: Iwan Baan CC 3.0 Unported no changes made

Fiskeri-og Søfartsmuseet in Esbjerg; Herning Kunstmuseum; Danmarks Photo Museum in Herning; center of Ribe; Kunstmuseet and Treenighedskirken in Esbjerg; Viking center in Ribe (Viking village); amusement parks Sommerland, Varde and Sommerland West in Hee; Legoland in Billund; Wadden Island Mandø; dune landscapes on Fanø and Holmslands Klit

South Jutland

Monastery church in Løgumkloster, DenmarkMonastery church in Løgumkloster, DenmarkPhoto: Clemensfranz CC 3.0 Unported no changes made

Sønderjyllands Kunstmuseum in Tønder; city centers of Tønder and Møgeltønder; monastery church in Løgumkloster; Brundtland Center Danmark in Toftlund (solar energy); Orion Planetarium in Jels; Hjemsted Oldtidspark near Skærbæk (prehistoric times); dune landscape on Rømø.


Little mermaid, CopenhagenLittle mermaid, CopenhagenPhoto: Adva-berlin CC 3.0 no changes made

Copenhagen has been the capital of Scandinavian Denmark for over 400 years. The most famous resident of Copenhagen was Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) who wrote many fairy tales during his lifetime, such as "The Matchstick Girl" and "The Little Mermaid". In addition to fairy tales, he also wrote novels and dramas. At the harbor you can find a bronze statue of a mermaid as a memorial to the writer. It is a small, beautifully finished statue set on a smooth stone in the harbor. Copenhagen has many beautiful monumental buildings, at least one of which you should visit during a holiday or city trip Copenhagen. For example, go to the ancient sea fortresses Flakfortet, Middelgrundsfortet and Trekroner. Many of Copenhagen's historic buildings have been restored with great care in recent years. A fun day out in Copenhagen is a trip to the Tivoli amusement park. This park is world famous because it has existed since 1843. The amusement park is located in the middle of Copenhagen at the Rádhuspladsen. There is a wooden roller coaster from 1914 that is still in use. Read more on the Copenhagen page of TheWorldOfInfo.


Aarhus, DenmarkAarhus, DenmarkPhoto: Kenny Arne Lang Antonsen CC 4.0 International no changes made

Aarhus or Arhus is Denmark's second city. Aarhus has many attractions. Tourists from all over the world come to visit the city. A major tourist attraction in Aarhus is The Old City (Danish: Den Gamle By), which is actually not an old part of the city itself, but a collection of historic Danish buildings from the whole country. Aarhus is also home to the Tivoli Friheden theme park. Other tourist attractions include: Arhus Domkirke, the largest cathedral in Denmark, Telecommunication Tower and Aarhus Town Hall. Prehistoric finds can be seen in the Forhistorisk Museum Moesgård. Among other things, there is a mummified corpse of a man. This so-called Graubelle Man was found in a swamp in 1952 and is estimated to be at least 2000 years old. Read more on the Aarhus page of TheWorldOfInfo.


Bendure, G. / Denmark
Lonely Planet


Dominicus, J. / Denemarken

Europese Unie : vijftien landendocumentaties
Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse Onderwijs

Hoogendoorn, H. / Denemarken

Steinmetz, P. / Reishandboek Denemarken

CIA - World Factbook

BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated January 2025
Copyright: Team The World of Info