The World of Info


Cities in MOROCCO



Hassan II Mosque in Rabat, MoroccoHassan II Mosque in Rabat, MoroccoPhoto: CC 4.0 International no changes made

State religion is Sunni Islam; 98% of the population is included. The king, who sees himself as a religious leader, is said to belong to the family of the prophet Mohammed. Although Islamic doctrine has no saints, Marabou worship is deeply rooted in popular belief in Morocco. Christianity, especially Roman Catholicism, is mainly represented among the foreigners.


Encarta Encyclopedia

Lehmann, L. / Marokko
Van Reemst

Macguinness, J. / Morocco handbook
Passport Books

Wilkins, F. / Morocco
Chelsea House

CIA - World Factbook

BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated June 2024
Copyright: Team The World of Info