
Luxembourg city |
Over 671,000 people live in luxembourg (2024). The population is distributed unevenly across the country. In Ösling, the population density (25-50 inhabitants per km2) is much lower than the national average (250). The entire region has only three "towns" with more than 2,000 inhabitants. The small villages have few facilities (schools, doctors, pharmacies), so that the depopulation of Ösling continues. The government is trying to stop the depopulation by constructing industrial areas in these places. In Gutland, most people live around the city of Luxembourg and in the industrial area of Esch-sur-Alzette in the southwest. The population is growing slowly.
The increase in population is due to immigration surplus. One third of the total population is made up of foreigners: officials of the European Union in and around the capital, and guest workers in the southern industrial area (14.5% of the population are Portuguese, 7.6% French and 3,7% Italians). Especially in the capital Luxembourg and its surroundings, the number of foreigners is sometimes very high, in some municipalities up to 45-50% of the total population. About a fifth of the population lives in the capital of the same name.
- The natural population growth rate is 1.52%. (2024)
- Birth rate per 1000 inhabitants is 11.6 (2024)
- Death rate per 1000 inhabitants is 7.1 (2024)
- Life expectancy is 83.4 years. (men 80.9 and women 85.9 years (2024)
Encarta Encycloppedie
Europese Unie
Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse Onderwijs
Fonteyn, G. / Ardennen, Luxemburg
ANWB Media,
Grote Lekturama Wereldatlas, Europa
Smets, P. / Het Groothertogdom Luxemburg
Stoks, F. / Ardennen, Luxemburg
Vermeulen, J.J. / Het Groothertogdom Luxemburg
CIA - World Factbook
BBC - Country Profiles
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