The World of Info


Cities in CURACAO

Jan thiel baai Piscadera bay Willemstad


Compared to Latin American countries, Curaçao is rich and prosperous. Per capita income averages $ 15,000 per person per year (2014). Prosperity is also evident from the low infant mortality rate, high life expectancy and even the high number of cars, refrigerators and video equipment per inhabitant. Curaçao has the most different economic activities with the oil refinery, the docks and a large ship repair company, many banks and financial offshore companies. Trade, with extensive duty-free zones, also plays a major role.

Container ship leaves the port of CuracaoContainer ship leaves the port of CuracaoPhoto :We El in the public domain

The industry employs about fifteen percent of the working population. Ten percent of the population works for financial institutions and another ten percent works in the construction industry. There is also a very large civil service; Seventy percent of government revenue is spent on civil servants' salaries. According to the official authorities, ten percent of the population in Curaçao is unemployed and in some disadvantaged neighborhoods half of the young people are unemployed (2014). However, these figures must be taken with a large grain of salt because they are often outdated figures and in Curaçao many unemployed people regularly have casual jobs.


Bakker, J. / Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba
Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen

Encarta Encyclopedie

Erven Dorens, P. van / Curaçao
Bos & Co

Helm, R. van der / De Curaçao reisgids

CIA - World Factbook

BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated February 2025
Copyright: Team The World of Info