Plants and Animals
Plants and Animals

Cities in ANDORRA
Andorra la vella |
Plants and Animals
Narcissus Poeticus, AndorraPhoto: Meneerke bloem CC 3.0 Unported no changes made
In total there are more than 1100 different plant species in Andorra. Some common varieties include the white flowering Narcissus poeticus or poet's daffodil (also called 'grandalla' in Andorra), the national flower of Andorra, as well as the bright yellow Trollius europaeus or ball flower and the blue flowering Aconitum napellus or poisonous monkshood.
Furthermore, large fields with alpine roses, on the south slopes the mountain pine up to 20 meters and on the wet north slopes the silver fir.
The Rialb Valley is known for its beautiful floral splendor with flowers such as the Pyrenean iris, white asphodel, alpine rose, Pyrenean lily, many varieties of orchids, ranunculus, sweetheart, alpine yellow anemone, forget-me-not and columbine.
The native Pyrenean serrated leaf with its large, pink, almost purple flowers, grows between 1400 and 2700 meters in meadows and along mountain streams and roads.
A selection from the flora of Andorra:
crooked calyx, creeping azalea, creeping nailwort, rock tea, fragrant mosquito orchid, vanilla orchid, paradise lily, alpine carnation, primrose, dwarf primrose, starburst, alpine tassel flower, brown clover, marsh marigold, pyramid green, yellow rose fennel, fennel red rose, spring gentian
Iberian Capricorn AndorraPhoto: Arturo de Frias CC 3.0 Unported no changes made
Andorra's wildlife has a number of unique species, such as the nearly extinct Iberian ibex. Very special is also the Pyrenean desman, a 14 cm long type of water mole that lives in fast-flowing streams.
Wolves and Pyrenean brown bears, a subspecies of the European brown bear, have not been seen in Andorra for a long time. A bear was last seen in the mountains of Andorra in 1978. The following mammals are still regularly spotted: wild boar, marten, weasel, fox, hedgehog, badger, squirrel and alpine marmot. To the east of Andorra, in the Carlit massif, the mouflon has been successfully released.
Andorra Bearded VulturePhoto: Richard Bartz CC 2.5 Generic no changes made
Special birds are the capercaillie and the alpine snow grouse, but the three types of vultures are also welcome: griffon vulture, Egyptian vulture, and bearded vulture. Birds of prey such as the long eagle, pygmy eagle, hawk eagle, kite, peregrine falcon and honey buzzard live scattered in the mountains.
The wall lizard and the viviparous lizard are still quite common, as are slow worms, vipers, aspis vipers, smooth snakes and lizard snakes. Two special salamander species are the fire salamander and the Pyrenean mountain salamander.
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