The World of Info

Vacations and Sightseeing

Basic information
Official languageUkrainian
Area603.700 kmĀ²
Population43,284,542  (2021)
Currencyhryvnia  (UAH)

Cities in UKRAINE


Vacations and Sightseeing

In the past, many tourists from Russia used to come to Ukraine. Beside Russian tourists most others came from Germany, Austria, the United States and Canada. Often they are people with Ukrainian ancestors. The most popular destinations are Kyiv, Crimea, Odessa, the Carpathians and Lvov. The tourism sector used to contribute about 10% of GDP annually. But unforttunately evertything has changed after the Russian invasian and the terrible war in Ukraine.

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. St. Sofia Cathedral in Kyiv is worth visiting. The oldest parts of the cathedral date back to the 11th century and is one of the oldest buildings in the Ukrainian capital. Throughout history, the church has been destroyed and rebuilt several times, giving it characteristics of 17th, 18th and 19th century architectural styles. A mosaic of the Virgin Mary with a height of no less than 6 meters is the biggest crowd pleaser in the church. There are also 300 frescoes also known as "Sophia graffiti. An important historical landmark of Kyiv is the ravine of Babi Jar. It is not a cheerful tourist attraction, but it is important to dwell on. Three monuments can be found at the ravine: one for the perished children, one for the perished Soviet citizens and a Menora monument for all the victims during the Holocaust. Read more on the Kyiv page.


Bassis, V. / Ukraine
Marshall Cavendish

Corona, L. / Ukraine
Lucent Books

Hove, P. ten / Schets van Oekraïne
Stichting Platform Samenwerking Nederland-Oekraïne

Minbuza Stichting Platform Samenwerking Nederland-Oekraïne

Otfinoski, S. / Ukraine
Facts on File

CIA - World Factbook

BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated February 2025
Copyright: Team The World of Info