
Cities in SAN MARINO
Città di san marino |
State structure
The state structure is based on Book I statutes from the 17th century, which have their origins in codifications from the 13th century. The country is divided into nine 'castles', headed by a 'Castle Captain' who holds the post for two years. He is assisted by an executive council, which is elected for five years.
The national parliament, which has legislative powers, consists of 60 members elected every five years. The executive power belongs to the government (Congresso di Stato) and consists of 10 members. It elects two of its members, Capitani Reggenti, who for a period of six months exercise the functions of head of state and head of government over its more than 24,000 inhabitants.
ustice is administered by foreign (Italian) judges, except for the police judge who rules on civil offences, provided the person concerned is of San Marino nationality.
Parliamentary elections were held on 10 June 2001. The new government formed on the basis of these elections is again composed of the PDCS (Christian Democrats, 25 seats in parliament) and the PSS (Socialists, 15 seats in parliament). It has a comfortable majority in the 60-seat parliament. Alongside these parties is the San Marino Communist Party, which changed its name and symbol in 1990 to the Progressive Democratic Party of San Marino. The head of government has been Pasquale Valentini since 5 December 2012.
San Marino has no compulsory military service, but all residents between the ages of 16 and 55 can join the Italian army. San Marino does have a ceremonial military corps, the Guardia di Rocca Nucleo Uniformato.
The current political situation is described in the history section.
Over 60% of total government revenue comes from tourism. Over 3 million foreign visitors came to San Marino in 1994. In addition, sales of the country's own stamps (printed in Italy and Switzerland) contribute 10% of the country's income.
The main manufacturing sectors are cement, synthetic rubber, leather, textiles and ceramics. San Marino receives an annual contribution of €9 million from Italy.
Economic growth in 2017 was 1.9% and the unemployment rate was 8.1%. GDP was $59,000 per capita.
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