The World of Info

Geography and Landscape

Basic information
Official languageItalian
CapitalSan Marino
Area61 km²
Population34,056  (2021)
Currencyeuro  (EUR)

Cities in SAN MARINO

Città di san marino

Geography and Landscape


San Marino is located in southern Europe and is an enclave in central Italy. San Marino is landlocked (10 km from the Adriatic Sea). The area of San Marino is 61.2 square kilometres.

San Marino Satellite PhotoSan Marino Satellite PhotoPhoto: Public domain


The landscape of San Marino is hilly and runs from the plain at 55 m up to the summit of Monte Titano at 756 m..

Monte Titano, highest mountain in San MarinoMonte Titano, highest mountain in San MarinoPhoto: Nickel Chromo in thr public domain

Climate and Weather

San Marino has a Mediterranean climate with cool mild winters and warm hot summers. The annual average temperature is 16°C.

Plants and Animals


Cyclamen, national flower of San MarinoCyclamen, national flower of San MarinoPhoto: Woggly CC 3.0 no changes made

In San Marino, there are many (wild) flowers and plants. Among others, there are wild varieties of orchids, irises, hyacinths and cyclamen, the national flower of San Marino. Common trees are beech, cypress, pine, oak, maple, elm, chestnut and poplars.


Nightingale, San MarinoNightingale, San MarinoPhoto: Insecta62 CC 2.0 no changes made

Despite the fact that San Marino is a very small state, there are several species of animals. Mammals include badger, hedgehog, hare, horse, cattle, sheep, pig, fox and weasel. Birds include the owl, falcon, eagle, nightingale, cuckoo and golden oriole.


CIA - World Factbook

BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated February 2025
Copyright: Team The World of Info