Comoros PopulationPhoto: Woodlouse CC BY-SA 2.0 no changes made
The population of Comoros is 808,090 (2017).The population density is 361 inhabitants per square kilometre.
The natural population growth rate is 1.64% (2017).
Birth rate per 1000 inhabitants is 26.1 (2017)
Death rate per 1000 inhabitants is 5.5 (2017)
Life expectancy is 64.6 years. (Men 62.23 and women 67 years (2017)
The population is descended from immigrants who successfully settled in Comoros from Asia, Madagascar, East Africa and the Persian Gulf over the past 1000 years. There are several ethnic groups including: Antalote, Cafre, Makoa, Oimatsaha and Sakalava. In general, the different ethnic groups live together peacefully.
French language mapPhoto: Public domain
French and Arabic are the two official languages of Comoros. Furthermore, Shikomoro (Comorian) is spoken.
Comoros, Badjanani Mosque in MoroniPhoto: Sascha Grabow CC 3.0 Unported no changes made
Islam is the state religion and most Comorians are Sunni Muslims. There is also a Roman Catholic minority (2%).
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CIA - World Factbook
BBC - Country Profiles
Last updated December 2024Copyright: Team The World of Info