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Before the Portuguese occupation, the Cape Verdean archipelago was uninhabited. The white settlers brought in slaves from Portuguese Guinea and Senegal to work on plantations. The slaves, from various Negro tribes, mingled greatly, both among themselves and with the whites. Of the nine inhabited islands, Sao Vicente and Sao Tiago are the most densely populated.

There are 560,899 people living on the Cape Verde Islands (2017). Approximately 71% of the population are mulattos (half-blood white-black); 28% are blacks and 1% are white. Whites live mainly in Praia and Mindelo. The population growth rate in 2017 was 1.33%. From the dry coastal areas there is a strong migration to the cities. Because of the low employment rate, many Cape Verdeans left for abroad, especially the United States, Portugal, Angola and Senegal. At present, more Cape Verdeans (about 800,000) live abroad than on the islands themselves. In the Netherlands, almost all Cape Verdeans live in Rotterdam (15,000 out of 22,000).


Grote Lekturama wereldatlas

Irwin, A. / Cape Verde Islands
The Globe Pequot Press

Osang, R. / Kapverdische Inseln

Schleich, H.H. / Cabo Verde

CIA - World Factbook

BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated December 2024
Copyright: Team The World of Info