The World of Info




Popular destinations VENEZUELA

Isla margarita


According to the constitution, there is freedom of religion. About 95% of the Venezuelan population is Roman Catholic. Despite this high percentage, only a small percentage of Venezuelans attend church regularly. There are seven archdioceses, nineteen dioceses and four apostolic vicariates. In the past, the political power of the Venezuelan Catholic Church was of little significance compared to sister churches in other South American countries. At the local and national level, the voice of the Catholic Church is increasingly important today.

About 2% of the population is Protestant, especially members of Pentecostal churches and Seventh Day Adventists. There are also about 15,000 Jews and some Muslims. The veneration of local saints is striking. Part of the original uncontacted Indian population still adheres to nature religions. A special sect is that of the female deity María Lionza. It is a combination of pre-Columbian beliefs, African voodoo and Christian practices and works with magic, witchcraft and esoteric rites.


Dydyñski, K. / Venezuela
Lonely Planet

Ferguson, J. / Venezuela : mensen, politiek, economie, cultuur

Launspach, W. / Reishandboek Venezuela, Margarita

Morrison, M. / Venezuela
Chelsea House Publishers

O’Bryan, L. / Venezuela, Isla Margarita

CIA - World Factbook

BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated February 2025
Copyright: Team The World of Info