
Cities in SCOTLAND
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Dunblane Cathedral ScotlandPhoto: DeFacto CC 4.0 International no changes made
The Presbyterian* Church of Scotland or Scottish Church (also called "Kirk") has about 1600 congregations with about 752,000 members, the (Anglican) Episcopal Church of Scotland about 58,000; the number of Roman Catholics is approximately 745,000, living mainly in and around Glasgow, who are divided into two archdioceses and six dioceses. These Catholics are still descended from the Irish immigrants who arrived in Scotland in the 19th century. Quite a few Catholics still live in Aberdeenshire, the Eastern Highlands, the Southern Hebrides, South Uist, Eriskay and Barra Islands.
In addition, there is the Free Church of Scotland, especially on the Western Isles (Outer Hebrides on Harris, North Uist and Lewis Islands), and a number of small Orthodox Calvinist denominations, such as Methodists, Congregationalists and Unitarians. Furthermore, there are still small numbers of Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists. Glasgow has many synagogues, mosques and even a Buddhist center.
Church of Scotland logoPhoto: Matthew Ross in the public domain
The Church of Scotland is strictly democratic, and ecclesiastical congregations and elders have an important voice. For example, the elders look for a suitable minister candidate who may or may not be elected by the congregations. The leader of the Scottish Church, the "moderator", is elected for only one year.
The Church of Scotland's highest organ, the General Assembly, meets in Edinburgh every year.
*Presbyterianism (Greek: presbuteros = elder) is a name used in the English language area for what is called Reformed Protestantism elsewhere.
Presbyterianism is a strict religious movement, in which the Presbyterians worship God, their Creator, in simple houses of worship. The pulpit is central; statues, paintings and other decorations are hardly present. The pastor's sermon is very important, there is no further liturgy and no fixed forms of prayer like the Lord's Prayer. The prayers are "extempore", unprepared.
The reason for the lack of ostentation is that rituals are considered utterly insignificant; much more important is the relationship of the individual to his or her creator.
Sincerity is seen as the most important virtue and the standards that the "kirk" holds up to its believers are duty, discipline and serious concern for what is good for society.
Berkien, G. / Schotland
Berkien, G. / Schotland
Larrimore, D. / Schotland
Levy, P. / Scotland
Marshall Cavendish
Patitz, A. / Schotland
Van Reemst
Schaff, B. / Schotland
Kok Lyra
Michelin Reisuitgaven
Van Reemst
Smallman, T. / Scotland
Lonely Planet
Stoks, F.T. / Schotland
Summers, G. / Schotland
Van Reemst
Tschirner, S. / Schotland
Wamel, D. van / Schotland en Noord-Engeland
Babylon-De Geus
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