The World of Info

Climate and Weather

Popular destinations MAURITIUS


Climate and Weather

Rodrigues has a fairly pleasant warm climate, which is somewhat drier than on Mauritius. Summer lasts from November to February and the maximum temperatures range from 29°C to 33°C. Winter lasts from March to October and maximum temperatures range from 14°C to 18°C.

The average annual rainfall is 1228 mm and 70% of this falls between December and May. The months of February and March are the wettest, with monthly rainfall of 160 to 170 mm.

Prolonged droughts and cyclones pose a permanent threat to the population of Rodrigues. The dry periods usually fall between September and November and the cyclones occur between November and April. Besides the heavy rainfall, the cyclones also cause a lot of material damage. Rodrigues suffers more from cyclones than any other island in the Indian Ocean. The highest wind speed measured in the Indian Ocean up to 1975 was, of course, at 276 km per hour.

The average sea water temperature is 27.5°C in December and 23°C in winter.


Ellis, R. / Mauritius, Rodrigues & RĂ©union : the Mascarene isles

Mauritius, RĂ©union & Seychelles
Lonely Planet

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BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated September 2024
Copyright: Team The World of Info