
Tórshavn |
State structure
Although the Danes consider the Faroe Islands to be as Danish as Copenhagen, the Faroeese themselves consider them to be an independent country under the protection of Denmark. The truth lies in the middle; the Faeroes find themselves in a kind of split between Danish domination and independence. Although they get most of their money from the government in Denmark, some things are paid for out of their own pockets (through taxes). The Faroes have their own flag, stamps, and national football team, but defence and foreign affairs are controlled by Denmark. The Faeroes do not pay taxes to Denmark and refuse to join the European Union. Until 1948, the Faeroes were a kind of province of Denmark, just like Greenland. In a referendum in 1946, the islands voted for independent self-government within the Kingdom of Denmark. The self-government or "Landsstýri" is presided over by a "Løgmaður" with three to six subordinates and a bureaucratic jumble of commissions, boards and councils. Danish interests are monitored by a so-called "rigsombudsmand". The Faroe Islands are represented by two deputies in the Danish Parliament (Folketing). Legislative work is carried out by a 32-member parliament, the "Løgting". Elections to the Løgting take place every four years. The head of state is Queen Margrethe II of Denmark.
Education and health care
In the school year 1994/1995, there were almost 5000 primary school pupils and just over 3000 secondary school pupils. These children were taught by about 550 teachers.
In 1994, there were 90 doctors, 38 dentists, 10 pharmacists, 17 midwives and 35 nurses. There were three hospitals with 297 beds
Cornwallis, G. / Iceland, Greenland & the Faroe Islands
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