
Bushmen BotswanaPhoto: Mopane Game Safaris CC 4.0 International no changes made
2,451,000 people live in Botswana (2024). The population density is very low and amounts to around 4 inhabitants per square kilometer.
- Natural population growth is 1.34% (2024)
- Birth rate per 1000 inhabitants is 19.6 (2024)
- Mortality rate per 1000 inhabitants is 8.9 (2024)
- Life expectancy is 66.4 years. (men 64.4 and women 68.6 years (2024)
Population composition:
- Tswana 79%,
- Kalanga 11%,
- Basarwa 3%,
- Other including Kgalagadi and Caucasians 7%
English Language MapPhoto: Kobolen CC 3.0 Unported no changes made
English is the official language of Botswana. But more than 90% of the population speaks a Bantu language as their first language. The most widely spoken Bantu languages are Setswana (over 70% of the population), Kalanga, Kgalagadi, Shona, Mbukushu and Ndebele. In addition, almost 2% of the population speaks Tschwa, which is a Khoe language.
The majority of the people of Botswana adhere to the Christian faith. Often in combination with indigenous religions. Some indigenous religious and medical practices, notably respect for patriarchal ancestors, have been assimilated into the Christian faith in Botswana. There is also a small minority of Muslims and Hindus. The constitution provides for freedom of religion and the government generally respects this right in practice.
Elmar Landeninformatie
CIA - World Factbook
BBC - Country Profiles
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