The World of Info

Plants and Animals

Cities in AUSTRIA


Plants and Animals


Alpine meadows AustriaAlpine meadows AustriaPhoto: R Sieben CC 3.0 Unported no changes made

Austria is one of the most forested countries in Europe with 38% forest. The vegetation of the mountain slopes differs due to the temperature differences. Up to 800 meters many fields and meadows. Above the 800 meters deciduous trees and a little higher many coniferous forests. The tree line is reached after 1800 meters. The alpine meadows (Matten) start above it. In winter, the meadows are covered with snow, but in spring a very varied vegetation with bright colors appears.

Edelweiss, AustriaEdelweiss, AustriaPhoto: Böhringer Friedrich CC 2.5 Generic no changes made

You may encounter edelweiss, anemone, violet, wormwood, sea rose, fire lily and snow rose. Grass stops growing above 2,200 meters. Only some moss and succulents grow on the bare rocks. Above 2800 meters, the area of perpetual snow, one finds rocks without vegetation.


Deer, AustriaDeer, AustriaPhoto: Ewald Gabardi CC 3.0 Unported no changes made

The animal world is in many respects in line with that of Southern Germany and Switzerland. Deer, roe deer, wild boars, foxes, badgers and squirrels live in the Austrian forests. Now and then a brown bear can be seen. Lynx and wildcat were brought into Austrian nature by humans.

Alpine Marmot, AustriaAlpine Marmot, AustriaPhoto: Zairon CC 3.0 Unported no changes made

Alpine marmots (Murmeltier), snow hares, ibex and chamois live in the high mountains. The mockingbird, capercaillie and various species of woodpeckers and tits live in mixed forests. Swift and rock swallow nest in the rocks and around and above the tree line we find the raven, the eagle owl, the golden eagle and the bearded vulture, the largest bird of prey in Europe.

Alpine Salamander AustriaAlpine Salamander AustriaPhoto: Björn S CC 2.0 Generic no changes made

Different species of lizards, frogs and toads live near pools and swamps. The alpine salamander is also a familiar sight. The nature reserve Neusiedlersee is world famous; this large and very shallow freshwater lake with very variable water levels is important because of its enormous bird life. Stork, spoonbill, purple heron and little egret breed here.


Bendien, M. / Midden-Oostenrijk
ANWB media

Europese Unie
Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse Onderwijs

O'Bryan, L. / Oostenrijk

CIA - World Factbook

BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated February 2025
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