
Popular destinations TANZANIA
Pemba | Zanzibar |
More than 95% of the inhabitants of Pemba are Muslims, especially Sunni Muslims.
The rest of the population consists of Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and some other religions (including Jainism and Bahai). Almost every town and village has a mosque.
In the village communities of Pemba, Christians and Muslims live side by side and there is even room for another faith tradition.
Pemba is also known as one of the biggest witchcraft centres in the world. Voodoo adepts from all over the world come to the small Tanzanian island to learn about witchcraft and occult medicine. Sick people from the mainland even come to Pemba to be cured by the local medicine men.
On Pemba, and to a lesser extent on Zanzibar, the shetani cult (shetani = spirit) is alive and well. Shetanis are creatures from another world, living between humans and animals, but invisible and often with less than pleasant intentions.
Else, D. / Zanzibar
Finke, J. / Tanzania
Rough Guides
Fitzpatrick, M. / Tanzania
Lonely Planet
Heale, J. / Tanzania
Marshall Cavendish
Skinner, A. / Tanzania & Zanzibar
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