
Honduras has a population of over 9.5 million (2024), with a population density of approximately 90 inhabitants per square kilometre.
- The natural population growth rate is 1.29%. (2024)
- Birth rate per 1000 inhabitants is 19.9 (2024)
- Death rate per 1000 inhabitants is 5.4 (2024)
- Life expectancy is 73.1 years. (men 69.6 and women 76.8 years (2024)
Most Hondurans (90 percent) are so-called mestizos. This word comes from the Spanish word mestizo which means 'mixed'. The ancestors of the mestizos are therefore partly American, partly Spanish. Of the rest of the population, 7 per cent are American, 2 per cent black and 1 per cent European. The American descendants are mostly Indian tribes living in remote areas.
The official language of Honduras is Spanish, and Indian languages and English are also spoken.
97% of the population of Honduras is Roman Catholic, the remaining 3% is mainly Protestant.
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