The World of Info



Guyana School ParadeGuyana School ParadePhoto: Amenderson2 (CC BY 2.0) no changes made

794,000 people live in Guyana (2024). The population density is about 3.8 inhabitants per square kilometer.

Natural population growth is 0.32%. (2024)

Birth rate per 1,000 population is 16.7 (2024)

Mortality rate per 1,000 population is 7 (2024)

Life expectancy is 72.4 years. (men 70.6 and women 74.3 years (2024)

Of the population, 39.8% are of Indian and 29.3% of Afro-Caribbean descent. The other population groups are: mulattos and mestizos (together 19.9%), Indians (10.5%), others (0.5%).


The official language in Guyana is English. Furthermore, creole, Hindi, Urdu, Portuguese and Indian languages (including Arawak) are spoken.


Half of the inhabitants of Guyana adhere to a Christian religion. 35% of the population are Hindu and 10% Muslim.


Elmar Landeninformatie
CIA - World Factbook
BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated January 2025
Copyright: Team The World of Info