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Plants and Animals

Cities in CYPRUS

Nicosia (lefkosia)Paphos

Plants and Animals


Pijnbomen on het TroososgebergtePine trees in the Troodos mountainsPhoto:Dmytri Panov CC 3.0 unported no changes made

In the mountains, Aleppo pine is common. There is also a kind of holm oak and a special kind of cedar. On the western and southern slopes of the Troödos Mountains there are extensive vineyards. A little lower on the mountain slopes we find acacias, cypresses, olive trees and carob trees. In the valleys, there are poplars and eucalyptus trees. In the valleys also many orchards with fruit trees.

Asphodelus CyprusAsphodelus CyprusPhoto: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz CC 4.0 internationalno changes made

On the coast are palms and agaves. From February to May, Cyprus is a sea of flowers. Amongst the flowers are daffodils, cyclamen, irises, wild orchids, anemones, poppies, ranunculus, wild peony and the asphodel, which had great symbolic meaning in ancient Cyprus.

In recent years, several national parks and nature reserves have been established. Some examples are Athalasa Park and Tripylos in the Troödos Mountains.


Moufflon CyprusMoufflon CyprusPhoto:Charles James Sharp CC 4.0 International no changes made

The mammal population in Cyprus is very limited. The most striking sight is the moufflon, a kind of sheep. There are also foxes, rabbits, weasels and hares. The native mammals include several species of bat. Other common animals are snakes, lizards, turtles, frogs and chameleons. Approximately 55 species of butterflies are found in Cyprus, including the rare snail moth and the charaxus jasius. Birds are represented throughout the year with about 300 species, many of which are winter visitors.

Bonelli's EagleBonelli's Eagle CyprusPhoto: VivekMalleshappa CC 3.0 no changes made

Migratory birds such as storks, buzzards, kites, falcons, cranes and many songbirds and waterfowl descend on Cypriot soil from the end of August. Special are the approximately 10,000 flamingos that winter in the salt lakes. Very special is the black-breasted warbler, which only breeds in Cyprus. Native species include the wood pigeon, kestrel and barn owl. The most common bird of prey is the Bonelli's Eagle. More rare is the griffon vulture. Cyprus has no native freshwater fish. However, there are plenty of freshwater crabs in the streams of the Troödos Mountains. The sea around Cyprus does not have much to offer. Most marine animals can only be found at a depth of around 30 metres. The most common fish are the parrotfish, the hagfish, the goby and the rainbow fish. The monk seal and the dolphin are protected animals. In the summer, hawksbill turtles breed on the sandy beaches. These animals are also protected.

Monk Seal CyprusMonk Seal CyprusPhoto: Melina Marcou CC 4.0 no changes made

In 2006, French scientist Thomas Cucchi discovered a new species of mouse in Cyprus, the Mus cypriacus. The animal's head is larger than that of normal mice and its eyes, ears and teeth are also quite large.


Bulmer, R. / Cyprus Kosmos-Z&K

Het Spectrum

Haan-van de Wiel, W.H. de / Cyprus Gottmer

CIA - World Factbook

BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated September 2024
Copyright: Team The World of Info