The World of Info

Plants and Animals

Plants and animals


Due to the different types of soil and climatic conditions in Cape Verde, the flora is quite rich in species. On the very dry eastern islands, where palm trees and acacias can sometimes be found on the coastal strips, many species of grass grow. The bush of the purgeira, the purifying nut, used to be cultivated on large plantations to use the oil extracted from the nuts for soap, candles or as a lubricant for engines. On the mountainous islands, the scene is slightly more colourful. Bananas, mango and citrus trees, sugar cane, the red flowers of the cana and the blue jacaranda tree, agaves and yellow-red roses grow on the steep mountain sides. But you will also find rosemary, lavender and the Cape Verdean house lily, which blooms from April to June with bright yellow flowers.


The animal world is also very limited. Some land birds and lizards are found only on one or a few of the islands. There are no snakes on the islands, but there are many different types of reptiles, such as geckos, frogs and colourful lizards. The coasts are important as breeding grounds for sea birds and sea turtles. Mammal species are limited to rodents and wild goats. The Cape Verde Islands are surrounded by fish-rich waters.


Grote Lekturama wereldatlas

Irwin, A. / Cape Verde Islands
The Globe Pequot Press

Osang, R. / Kapverdische Inseln

Schleich, H.H. / Cabo Verde

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BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated September 2024
Copyright: Team The World of Info