
Cities in SRI LANKA
Colombo |
Sri Lanka had a population of 22,409,381 in 2017. The population density is about 342 inhabitants per km2, making Sri Lanka one of the most densely populated countries in Asia.
The population growth rate for 2017 was 0.76%, not much for a developing country and considerably lower than in neighbouring countries. An information campaign for birth control and family planning succeeded thanks to the positive attitude of the various religions and the reasonable education and health care facilities.
Furthermore, women marry at a later age and a high percentage has been sterilised.
The average life expectancy for men is 73.5 years and for women 80.6 years.
Sri Lanka has a relatively young population; 24.1% is between 0 and 14 years old. 66.2 of the population is between 15 and 65 years of age; 9.7% is 65 years or older.
Sri Lanka has a birth rate of 15.2 per 1000 inhabitants and a death rate of 6.2 per 1000 inhabitants. The infant mortality rate is 8.4 per 1000 live births and is therefore relatively low compared to surrounding countries.
Dutch | English | Singhala | Tamil |
alstublieft | please | karunakara | tajavu sadu |
dank u | thanks | estuti | nandri |
eten | food | kaama | sappidu |
ja | yes | ou | aam |
nee | no | naa | illai |
een | one | eka | onru |
twee | two | deka | irandu |
drie | three | tuna | moonru |
honderd | hundred | siiya | nooru |
mijn naam is... | my name is... | mage nama... | ennudaya payar... |
de rekening | the bill | karunakara bila | bill kondu varungai |
Some words of Dutch origin:
- äskisiya = executie
- advakat = advocaat
- administrasi = administratie
- aktaya = acte
- artappel = aardappel
- bankolot = bankroet
- boontje = boontje
- budalaya = boedel
- kamare = kamer
- kantoruva = kantoor
- keldere = kelder
- komasaris = commissaris
- kontrattuva = contract
- kuvitansiya = kwitantie
- lampuwa = lamp
- lotaräyya = loterij
- mahestrat = magistraat
- notaris = notaris
- notisiya = notitie
- orlosuwa = horloge
- pistolaya = pistool
- polmah = volmacht
- sekarataris = secretaris
- sipiri = cipier
- sukiri = suiker
- tarappuwa = trap
- soldere = zolder
- baas = vakman
Sri Lanka in the three official languages:
- English - Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
- Singhala - Sri Lanka Prajathanthrika Samajavadi Janarajaya
- Tamil - Llangai Janarajaya Socilalisa Kudiarasu
Bradnock, R.W. / Sri Lanka handbook : the travel guide
Footprint Handbooks
Geetha Kumari, W.M. / Reishandboek Sri Lanka
Laet, R. de / Sri Lanka en de Malediven
Plunkett, R. / Sri Lanka
Lonely Planet
Rokebrand, R. / Sri Lanka
Schiller, B. / Sri Lanka
Van Reemst
Sprang, U. / Sri Lanka : mensen, politiek, economie, cultuur, milieu
Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen
Sri Lanka
Te gast in Sri Lanka
Informatie Verre Reizen
Wanasundera, N.P. / Sri Lanka
Benchmark Books
CIA - World Factbook
BBC - Country Profiles
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