The World of Info

Vacations and Sightseeing

Basic information
Official languageSpanish
Area406.752 km²
Population7,284,456  (2021)
Currencyguarani  (PYG)

Vacations and Sightseeing

Ascuncion is the capital of Paraguay and one of the most interesting destinations in the country, with beautiful colonial architecture and other cultural attractions. Although Ascuncion has few 'traditional' attractions, such as beaches, skyscrapers or impressive parks, there is an unmistakable atmosphere that will captivate you. The City Museum and the Art Museum are not very big, but they have some interesting and unusual exhibitions. If you are interested in architecture, check out the National Congress building, one of the most impressive buildings in the capital.

One of the greatest natural wonders of the world, are the Iguaçu Falls on the border of Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina. To visit the falls, you have to pass by the city of Ciudad del Este, a picturesque town with not many conventional attractions, but plenty of shopping opportunities (mostly smuggled and cheap goods). The Iguaçu Falls are just across the river.

For eco-travel, the pristine wilderness of Gran Chaco, virtually untouched by tourism, is a good option. The region is sparsely populated, with only 3% of the country's population living in the area. The few towns have small colonial architecture and offer plenty of opportunities to discover the culture and traditions of the Guarani. Nature lovers should not miss the Parque Nacional del Chaco Defensores, with its enormous thorny forests full of wild animals (pumas, jaguars and ocelots).


Bernhardson, W. / Argentina, Uruguay & Paraguay
Lonely Planet

Kleinpenning, J. / Paraguay
Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen

CIA - World Factbook

BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated September 2024
Copyright: Team The World of Info