
State structure
Since 1979, Kiribati has been a presidential republic with an elected unicameral parliament. Kiribati is a member of the British Commonwealth and the parliamentary system is similar to the British system. Every four years, 39 of the 41 members of the House of Parliament (Maneaba ni Maungatbu in Kiribatic) are elected by the people. The Maneaba nominates three or four presidential candidates after which presidential elections are held. The president (beretitenti in Kiribatic) then elects a cabinet and vice-president. The president is both head of state and head of government. The President may remain in office for a maximum of 12 years. Kiribati's first president, Ieremia Tabai, did indeed complete those 12 years. The Attorney General, appointed by the President, and a deputy from Ocean Island complete the 41-member parliament.
The Maneaba is a kind of traditional village hall in Bairiki, although there are plans to move to Ambo. The island councils headed by a president control the local government and are advised by the "unimane", a council of old wise men. Kiribati consists of six districts: Banaba, Central Gilberts, Line Islands, Northern Gilberts, Southern Gilberts and Tarawa. For the current political situation see chapter history.
Education in Micronesia is generally free up to and including high school, but on most islands school is compulsory only until the age of 14. Higher education is only available in the main towns. The only university is the University of Guam, where many students from other islands also study. The largest university in the South Pacific is that of Fiji, with branches on Tarawa, Majuro and Nauru. The university is known for its marine laboratory.
In 1995, there were about 17,000 children in 85 primary schools and about 3,500 students in secondary education. There is also a teacher training college and the Tarawa Technical Institute in Betio where technical and commercial courses are given part-time. Education is compulsory for children between the ages of six and fourteen.
Galbraith, K. / Micronesia
Lonely Planet
Levy, N.M. /Micronesia handbook Moon
CIA - World Factbook
BBC - Country Profiles
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