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Cameroon has a population of about 31 million (2024). The population density is 65 inhabitants per square kilometre.

The natural population growth rate is 2.71%. (2024)
Birth rate per 1000 inhabitants is 34.7 (2024)
Death rate per 1000 inhabitants is 7.4 (2024)
Life expectancy is 64.2 years. (men 62.3 and women 66.1 years (2024)

There are more than 100 ethnic groups, of which the Bantus (Basa, Bakoko and Fang), the Bamiléké and the Fulani are the most prominent.


French and English are both official languages in Cameroon. Languages from 24 different African language families are also spoken, including Bantu.


The inhabitants of Cameroon adhere to the following religions: Christianity (40%), indigenous religions (40%) and Islam (20%). In March 2009, Pope Benedict visited Cameroon and held up Cameroon as an example of peaceful coexistence between Muslims and Christians.


Elmar landeninformatie

CIA - World Factbook

BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated January 2025
Copyright: Team The World of Info