
The population of Tajikistan is 8,486,555 (2017). The population density is over 59 inhabitants per square kilometre.
- The natural population growth rate is 1,62%. (2017)
- Birth rate per 1000 inhabitants is 23.3 (2017)
- Death rate per 1000 inhabitants isis 6 (2017)
- Life expectancy is 68.1 years. (men 64.9 and women 71.4 years (2017)
The population of Tajikistan is 8,486,555 (2017). The population density is over 59 inhabitants per square kilometre.
The Tajiks speak Tajik, which is a form of Persian (Farsi). Persian is also the official language of Iran and Afghanistan. Persian is written in Tajikistan with the Cyrillic alphabet and is often officially called Tajiki-Persian. Persian is an Iranian language belonging to the Indo-European language family. Russian and Uzbek are also spoken.
Tajikstan is a predominantly Muslim country. The majority of Muslims are Sunni. There are also Russian Orthodox. The megalomaniac President Rahmon is planning to build the largest mosque in the world.
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CIA - World Factbook
BBC - Country Profiles
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