The World of Info

Climate and Weather

Climate and weather

The climate is extremely warm and has a relatively high humidity. The average temperature in the hottest months of May to September is 35°C, but can rise to 50°C. Due to the high humidity of 90%, it is unpleasant to stay in Qatar in summer.

The cooler months of November to February are considerably milder with pleasant cool evenings. Sandstorms occur regularly, especially in the spring. Although it does not rain much, it can get quite wet in December and January. However, it never rains for more than a few days in a row.

The average lowest and highest temperature, rainfall, sunshine and humidity in the capital Doha is as follows:


Robison, G. / Bahrain, Kuwait & Qatar
Lonely Planet

Whetter, L. / Live & work in Saudi & the Gulf
Vacation Work

CIA - World Factbook

BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated February 2025
Copyright: Team The World of Info