Climate and Weather
Climate and Weather

Climate and Weather
In Majuro the average daytime temperature is about 27°C. Especially in the southern islands, it is warmer at night than during the day. This is due to the abundant rain, which always falls during the day. It then cools down so much that the night temperatures are on average higher than the day temperatures. The northern Marshall Islands are relatively dry with only about 500 mm of precipitation per year. Some islands in the south are extremely wet with more than 4,000 mm of precipitation per year.
In 1998, a state of emergency was declared due to the persistent drought. The island of Ebeye was forced to import water from nearby Kwajalein. The wettest period on Majuro is from September to December, with over 300 mm of rainfall per month. The dry season lasts from January to March with about 200 mm of precipitation per month. True tropical storms or typhoons are quite rare in this area, but they do occur and have a devastating effect on the islands.
Galbraith, K. / Micronesia
Lonely Planet
Levy, N.M. / Micronesia handbook Moon
CIA - World Factbook
BBC - Country Profiles
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