The World of Info

Climate and Weather

Climate and Weather

Laos has a tropical monsoon climate, with north-easterly winds from November to April, the dry season, and the Asian south-west monsoon from May to October, the rainy season. The climatic differences in the country are explained by the differences in altitude.

In the tropical lowlands, there is an average of 1250 mm of rainfall per year; in northern mountainous areas, more than 3000 mm per year.

March and April are the hottest months with national averages above 30 °C, while in the Mekong Valley it can easily exceed 35 °C. In the higher mountain areas, temperatures can be higher than 35 °C. In the higher mountain areas, temperatures can drop below freezing in December and January.


Boon, H. / Laos : mensen, politiek, economie, cultuur, milieu
Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen

Cummings, J. / Laos
Lonely Planet

Te gast in Laos & Cambodja
Informatie Verre Reizen

Waard, P. de / Laos

Zickgraf, R. / Laos
Chelsea House Publishers

CIA - World Factbook

BBC - Country Profiles

Last updated September 2024
Copyright: Team The World of Info