
The population of El Salvador is 6,6 million (2024). The population density is about 310 inhabitants per square kilometre.
- The natural population growth rate is 0.34%. (2024)
- Birth rate per 1000 inhabitants is 17.1 (2024)
- Mortality rate per 1000 inhabitants is 5.9(2024)
- Life expectancy is 75.9 years. (Men 72.4 and women 79.5 years (2024)
The vast majority of the population (86.3%) are Mestizos (Indian-Spanish). There are also whites (12.7%) and less than 1% Indians
The official language of El Salvador is Spanish. Furthermore, Nahua and English are spoken. Nahuatl is a language in the Uto-Aztecan language family and is spoken by Aztecs in Central America.
50% of the population is Roman Catholic; there are also over a million Protestants in El Salvador. 17% of the population are atheists and agnostics or do not claim to be affiliated with any religion. The remaining 3% of the population are affiliated with religions like Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.
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CIA - World Factbook
BBC - Country Profiles
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