
The population of Chad is 12,075,985 (2017). The population density is about 9.4 inhabitants per square kilometre.
A total of about 200 ethnic population groups live there. The Sara is the largest ethnic group. They live together with the Hausa and Hamitic groups in the southwest of the country. In the north of Chad live the Tibboe, the Kanuri and the Tuareg. In the north and centre of Chad, the Islamic population groups predominate, including the Toubou, the Fulbe, the Hadjerai, the Kotoko, the Baguirmi, the Boulala, the Kanembou, the Maba and the Zaghawa.
- The natural population growth rate is 1,86%. (2017)
- Birth rate per 1000 inhabitants is 35.6 (2017)
- Death rate per 1000 inhabitants is 13.8 (2017)
- Life expectancy is 50.6 years (men 49.4 and women 51,9 jaar) (2017)
French and Arabic are the official languages of Chad. In addition, Sra is spoken, as well as numerous other indigenous languages and dialects.
Some pronunciation rules of Arabic:
- -all letters are pronounced
- -a "means that a letter is spoken very briefly
- -de r is a rolling r
- -de y is pronounced sj
- -de sh is pronounced sj
- -the gh is pronounced as a brew-r or French r
- -the kh is pronounced like a hard g
- -de ou is pronounced oe
There is no fixed spelling for Arabic words. The names are written as they are pronounced. So Aqaba can be spelled just as well as Aqaba.
The Arabic script is written from right to left and consists of 28 consonants. Vowels are not written, which results in different Latin spellings for one and the same word. Arabic numerals are written from left to right.
Some words:
English | Arabic |
One | wahed, female: wahda |
Two | etnen |
Three | talata |
Ten | ‘ashra |
Hundred | meyya |
Thousand | ‘alf |
Sunday | yom el had |
Wednesday | yom el ’arba’ |
Yes | ‘aywa |
No | la’ |
Summer | sef |
Winter | sheta |
Where is the hotel? | fen el fondok? |
What time is it? | essa’a kam? |
What is your name? | ‘esm-ak ‘ak? (man) |
What is your name? | ‘esm-ek ‘eh? (woman) |
Do you have change? | ‘andokom fakka? |
The north of Chad is predominantly Muslim. In the south, the population is Christian or animist.
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